Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Where did the time go...

Well, it's been 2 weeks since I've posted, and even though I've meant to write more often, it just kept being put aside. At least my running hasn't been put aside, and the last 15 days have been great! When I've needed to run long, I've done it (11, 18, 12, 11, 13, and 10 milers in the books). Hard workouts have been accomplished (2 MP workouts, a hard 10 miler, a 5K Cross Country race in 18:40, and this morning's 3x2 mile workout in 13:36, 12:24 and 12:08), and I've also been real good @ easy recovery runs. 177 miles in the last 19 days tells me I'm able to handle the high (for me) volume. So where am I at?

In the 3 remaining weeks of training I have left before my taper, I'd like to run a couple of 16 mile workouts, and also do a half marathon race. The half is 22 days before Twin Cities, and I'm planning to run hard but not all-out. My PR is so soft that if I run my planned MP for the 1/2, I'll best my existing PR by over a minute. Still keeping a watchful eye on my body, making sure the minor aches and pains don't turn major.

As for the non-personal stuff, my daughter has had two cross country races, and she continues to do well. She placed 16th out of 80 runners in her 1st race, run in 92 degree temps, and helped her school win the team title @ the invitational. This past Saturday she had another invitational, and the team got 3rd out of 7 teams, and she ran 10 seconds faster and got 16th out of 49 runners. She's currently the 2nd scoring runner on her team, and I'm getting such a kick out of watching her run. She also started high school classes yesterday. I feel so old!

My son's soccer team is also doing pretty well. They're currently undefeated, and beat their main conference rival last night 4-2. Mike is the first player off the bench, and usually gets 30-50 minutes of play time a game (games last 80 minutes). They have a home tournament this weekend, so they'll play 3-4 games. No conflicts w/ cross country, thankfully.

1 comment: said...

Hi Peter! I was a mate with you on the crazy 8's - runningphan - and just recently saw your post in the TCM FE tread. It looks like you've really put in the leg work to have a successful race at TCM. If I could share one point of note with you regarding the course, it's to not focus too hard on the river road (both sides). For some reason it can really drain people. Just have fun with it...look at the trees and the colors and don't link about the miles. It's in the "dead zone" of the marathon, 14 - 19. Also, try to have a little bit of time banked before you get to 20 because after that it is gradually uphill until Snelling Ave (23).

Best of luck!