Thursday, April 19, 2007

Better just in time

Well I finally got my orthodics adjusted this week, and it's about time. I had been suffering with a variety of minor ailments to me feet, knees, legs and hip, mostly on the left side, that I attribute to A) shoes getting old and B) inserts needed to be adjusted. Luckily my podiatrist has a son that plays soccer w/ Mike, so I gave them to him at the soccer game on Sunday, and had them back on Tuesday. Yesterday when I went out, it seemed like the change was really a lot. I didn't feel comfortable, so I stopped after 1/2 mile and walked home. Then I spent the day walking with the inserts in my work shoes to get used to it before running. This morning I ran 7 miles and everything felt fine.

2nd, I got my new watch yesterday, and was excited about running with it for the 1st time in 2 weeks this morning. Unfortunately, the battery appeared to die, so I had no mile splits. I think its just the indiglo light doesn't work well, and if you try to do the stopwatch while the light's engaged, it sucks it down, b/c the watch came back after a while, and is working fine right now. If worse comes to worse, I'll just by a watch battery.

So my running for the past week was like this:

4/12 - 7 mile fartlek run
4/13 - 5 easy miles
4/14 - off
4/15 - 6.6 easy miles
4/16 - 7.7 easy
4/17 - 9 miles with a lot of tempo surges
4/18 - off
4/19 - 7.1 miles

Oh, Mike had his 1st track meet on Tuesday. He ran the 400 in the distance medley relay, and did very well, running a 58.9 leg, which is his best time so far. They got 3rd as a relay team, and the team won the meet! He runs another 400 on a relay tommorow, but I'll be missing it, b/c megan has a meet at the same time. She's running the 800 and the 400 in relays at a Boy-Girl team event. They should do pretty well. It'll be fun to watch, and I promised to behave!

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