Thursday, April 12, 2007

Been a while...

Last week I was traveling to the Twin Cities area on business, and had my wife and daughter with me who went to the Mall of America. It was 13 degrees both mornings we were up there. One day I ran on the treadmill in the Hotel, the other day I didn't run. I forgot how much I really don't like running on a treadmill. Adding insult to injury was jumping in the pool after my run, and forgetting that my watch was on. So now my battery fried, and a new battery won't bring it back to life. So I bought the same watch I had on ebay for $19, or $12 less than I could get it at Wal-Mart. Still waiting to get it.

So my runs this week have had the interesting phenomenon of running by feel, and estimating pace. I really didn't realize what a slave I was to the watch. Every time I'd get to a marker I would either look to my wrist or make an attempt to catch the split where the imaginary watch was. Either I am a creature of habit or a bit pathetic. Probably both.

On top of all that, we go 3-4 inches of snow yesterday. My son's 1st track meet was cancelled today, and his soccer games this weekend don't look too good at the moment. I am hoping this disappears quickly, b/c I'd like to start some regimented training - I will as soon as I get my watch....

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