Thursday, March 29, 2007

Another week...

Well I think I've resigned myself to the fact that my wrist is probably broken. If Greg Oden took 5-6 months before he could even play basketball after having wrist surgery, then I wonder how long it'll be before I'm fully healed. You just do not realize all of the things you do with your dominant hand/wrist until you are hurting, then you really notice them, b/c the pain will just shoot out through my hand. It bugs me that the x-ray didn't pick anything up, but that's life I guess. My running has been ok I suppose. I'm able to run a bit faster in my workouts like today, where I ran the last 3.7 miles @ 6:30 pace. I still feel the aches and pains like my left ankle, left hip flexor, wrist and also my right big toe, which is all red and looks infected. I've been soaking it for the past 2 days and that seems to have helped.

Since my last posting, I've done the following:
R 3/22 7.7 miles quickish
F 3/23 6.5 easy
S 3/24 10.2 @ 7:14 pace
S 3/25 5 very easy
M 3/26 8.2 steady
T 3/27 6.4 quickish
W 3/28 off
R 3/29 7.1 w/ 3.5 Tempo near end

So I'm still not doing anything real formal, and keeping up my 40 or so each week.

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