Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Where have I been?

OK, so I haven't posted for a while. Part of that is I've been busy working. Another reason is that I've been busy running (326 miles in the last 40 days). But most likely, the fact that I got a new laptop @ work where I post my blogs and for some reason the url was lost off of my favorites and I had to retrieve it through my google account. Anyway, enough about that.

So apparantly I recovered fine from my neck/upper back strain, and my running has gone very well since then. The past 5 weeks have seen 56, 59, 59, 56 and 49 mile weeks, and I'm @ 29 miles in 3 days this week. I've managed to incorporate the summer running club schedule of M, W and R afternoon runs into my normal morning runs with no real hiccups. For 3 weeks I ran once on Sun, Tues, Wed (pm), Fri and Sat, and twice on Mon and Thurs. On July 4th I managed a 37:53 for 10k that effort and execution wise, I'd rate a 7.5 out of 10, with the only real disappointment being a slowdown in miles 5 and 6. Still, I finished 11th overall and 1st in the always tough 40-44 AG, making it 3 consecutive AG wins for this race (+ 2 AG wins for the mile as well).

My running in relation to the training for Twin Cities seems to be going just fine as well. I sometimes wonder if I'm getting enough long runs in, but I still have 11+ weeks to go, so I feel pretty good about where I'm at. I should hit 60+ miles this week, and I'd like to average 60 for the 16 weeks proir to taper (currently @ 56/week for 6 weeks). Two years ago when I trained and ran 2:59, I averaged 54 mpw. But I am 2 years older, and the plan is to get this 43 year old to the start line healthy and in shape to run (I hope) a PR, in that order.

So I will try and post more regularly, and we'll see how it goes.

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