Thursday, July 26, 2007

Don't be stupid

That's the feeling I'm currently having, after nearly breaking my elbow this morning. Bounding up the stairs from the basement, I slammed my right elbow up into the basement ceiling, and had massive pain and a very swollen knot right above the elbow. Ibuprofen and ice have helped, so I don't believe it's any worse than a cuntusion. The moral of the story is, one stupid accident can screw up all I've worked for in the past 15 weeks.

BTW, in the past 15 weeks, I've averaged 54 miles per week. The last 7 weeks I've managed to bump that up to 58/week. Still trying to get 60/week average, which considering I've yet to run more than 13 miles in a day yet this year is pretty amazing. So my consistency has been the key. Only 7 days off in the last 14 weeks. Nine doubles in the last 6 weeks. But running club is due to end in 2 weeks time, and I've got to chart out a weekend schedule that will get me to the line on October 7 fit and ready. Last week I had a nice series of runs Thurday thru Sun, w/ 8.5, 9.6, 10.5 and 9 miles. I like the concept of 30 miles in 3 runs on a 3 day weekend, so that's what I'm going to strive for here on out. If I get 16 in on a Saturday, I need to surround it w/ 14 miles on the other 2 days. If I do 10,10 and 10, that'd be good too. The plan would be to do something like this:

July 27-29 : 8, 15, 7
Aug. 3 - 5 : 9, 10, 11
Aug 10-12 : 9, 10, 12 (5K race Sat)
Aug 17-19 : 8, 15, 8
Aug 24-26 : 8, 17, 8
8/31 - 9/2 : 9, 10, 12 (5K race Sat)
Sept. 7 - 9 : 8, 17, 8
Sep 14-16 : 7, 16, 7 (1/2 marathon Sat)
Sep 21-23 : 9, 11, 10
Sep 28-30: 7, 9, 6 (5K race Sat)
Oct. 5 - 7 : 5, 3, 27

I'm racing more than I have in the past, but I've not done as much speedwork this training cycle, so I want to stay sharp. Plus, the 5Ks are all low key (2 are cross country races), and the 1/2 Marathon won't be done all out. Just have to relax and not do anything too stupid.

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