Thursday, August 2, 2007

Dog Days?

Well August is here, and I feel like I've hit a wall in my training. Reached 257 miles for the month of July, but I feel sore and beat up. Sore hip, sore Achilles, legs feel dead, and my back is sore too. Am I training for soccer or a marathon? Add to all that is the hot and muggy weather, which saps my strength quite easily. So how do I adjust?

By taking it really easy this week. I may still get 50-55 miles in, but they're going to be slow. I dropped the double workout for today, b/c I want to feel better at the end of the week, not worse. Miles are still my friend - they're not the enemy. So running 8-9 minute pace is fine, don't let anyone tell me any differently.

Ok, I'm really rambling here. Just need to get out of the funk and on with the training. I'm 1/2 way there, so it's downhill from here, right? Oh that sounds soooo cliched, is that a real word?

I'll write more when I feel better....

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