Monday, August 13, 2007

Transition time

Today is a time of transition on many fronts. I no longer am coordinating the summer running club, as the Cross Country team started their season today. So no more double runs for me, and likely no more afternoon running (YEAH!). So with 8 weeks left I can now focus on the remainder of my training program, and key in on the substance training. Mileage is fine, w/ an average of 58 miles for the past 11 weeks. Of course, in that time, I only took six days off. I need to make sure that I am balancing my recovery and rest days w/ my substance runs, b/c I want to stay and be healthy. Today was a nice and easy 5.4 miles, the same as Friday. These workouts were sandwiched around some more intense runs on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday I ran 11+ miles, with the first 4 @ about 7:10 pace, and then with no rest commenced a 5k hard effort in 19:25, followed by a 4+ mile slower paced run back home. Sunday was a solid 10 miles, and the back to back 10+ milers felt pretty good, but I am tired. But it is a good kind of tired.

So now my schedule for the next few weeks will look like this...

Sun: Either 8-10 easy or 12-16 long, depending on race schedule
Mon: 5-7 recovery easy
Tue: 3x2 mile @ 6:20 pace, w/ 1/2 mile jog recovery
Wed: off or very easy recovery run
Thu: Marathon pace run of 6-10 miles
Fri: 7-9 miles easy
Sat: 12-16 mile long run or race+ w/u and c/d

Still shooting for 60 miles per week, and unless I run the Sunday and Saturday long runs in the same week, no plans to up the average miles significantly. Just want to focus on the substance workouts and long runs. I still want to run the 1/2 marathon on Sept 15, and will shoot for about 6:25-6:30 pace.

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