Friday, February 23, 2007

Nothing broken...

Yes I am still here. After a week of mostly uninspired running, I had a little too much excitement this week. The weather finally got warmer, and I managed to get out of the neighborhood for runs on three consecutive days this week. Monday I ran down Wright Road, Tuesday up Town Hall Road (lots of traffic @ 6:00 am), and Wednesday Milton Avenue towards downtown. We had a bit of a thaw, so the melting and subsequent refreezing of sidewalks made the Wednesday run a bit dicey. In spite of that, I had a great run, and was running at a 7:10 clip when I slipped on a patch of black ice and went down. I had a nasty dirt streak on the left leg of my tights, and some bleeding, but everything appeared OK, and I ran the last two miles of my 8 mile run under 7:00 pace. Then about 5 hours after I ran, I noticed my left wrist hurt like crazy. I must have put it out as I was falling and it absorbed some of the impact. I had it checked out at work (my office is in the medical department at the General Motors plant) and the Nurse said it doesn't look broken, but you may want to get x-rays. She gave me a wrist support, and by the end of the day I was really hurting. I'm left handed, so writing was sheer agony. On Thursday I decided to have it looked at. The Dr said the x-rays were negative, and it's most likely just a sprain. I've been icing it like crazy and taking lots of ibuprofen. This morning I wore the support while I ran (kept my notorious left hand/wrist from getting cold!) and everything seems all right.
So, I'm still on track for my monthly goals. Hanging out at 40-45 mpw. We are supposed to get a monster snow storm this weekend, with anywhere from 8-15 inches of snow and lots of wind. Sunday could be a fun day to run...

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