Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Monthly review

Well the month of February is over, and what a crazy month it was in terms of weather. I just missed my goals of 24 days run and 168 miles with totals of 23 and 166.5 miles. I was very pleased with the mileage total, as it represented my most miles in February ever. Since my longest run of the month was today at 8.25 miles, I was very consistent with my 7.25 mile average per run. Now for March I know I need to start running some longer runs, especially if I am going to do Sytennde Mai (20 Mile race on May 19).

Like January, my February total was mostly base miles, with no real fast stuff. I probably ran 5 miles at or faster than 7:00 pace. I also want to start incorporating tempo workouts for March.

Since the 1st two months have gone so well, it's time to get serious in planning for some later races. I will approach Sytennde Mai like a 1/2 marathon, but will pace it slower obviously. I'd like to try and run sub 6:40 pace (2:12-2:13). Before that, I have to make a decision on whether to try and get into a big fall marathon. I still don't want to do Chicago (maybe next year), but I am looking really serious at Twin Cities. I can go and stay with my brother in Saint Paul and even have the trip paid for by going to Hudson for work the following day. So I'll have to check when they take applications (pretty sure it's late April or early May). maybe Zeke can pace me...

Goals for March are 26-7 runs (6 day weeks), 200 or more miles, and incorporating tempo and longer (10+ mile) runs. Certainly acheivable, and will set me up well for the months to come. Oh one final thing, I need to try and avoid slipping and falling on ice. Did so twice this month, once last Wednesday and the other this morning. Luckily nothing serious, just some scraped legs and a sprained wrist. STAY WELL.....

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